Website Relaunch- Prizes Galore!

by | Nov 22, 2021 | All

I recently underwent a major website re-tooling. New site builder, new design schematic.

The alarm klaxons went off when an Instagram friend let me know that A) they couldn’t get to my blog on their mobile device, and B) half the hot links didn’t work. So- it was time to work with a professional and get things squared away.

Now that things are revamped, re-tooled and re-connected, I’d like to celebrate by running a promo- shamelessly solicit a bit more traffic on the website. There are four rewards: I’ll select a winner and a runner up, and they can pick.


At minimum, if you want to be in the drawing, you should subscribe to my newsletter. Smash that subscribe button, as the pod-casters say (nested in this post, or at the base of this page),  I promise I won’t spam you… just a couple notifications per year about new work, shows, etc.

In addition, if you want added chances to win, you can do either- or both- of the following…

Here is the swag I’ll be giving away.

Item One: ‘Habitat or Hermitage’

This is a 9 by 9 inch linoleum print- a bit of a commentary on the strange objects that wash up on our beaches and the way that wildlife (like hermit crabs) interact with them.

Item Two: Saki Cup Set.

I make Saki cups as test pieces for glazing. Every one is a bit different.

This particular set was a glorious accident. I was experimenting with an overlay of a reticulation glaze (AKA ‘crocodile skin’, AKA ‘cobblestone’). Thank you to the Ceramic Arts Network and Robin Hopper for the recipe.

Anyhow, this glaze created a lovely, Delft pottery meets fractal geometry effect. The Dutch hearth meets chaos theory.

I’m currently trying to re-create this effect for use on larger pieces, and I hate to give up these two lovelies…  but I’m going to do it.

Item Three: Early Coccolithophore Sculpture

I make Saki cups as test pieces for glazing. Every one is a bit different.

This particular set was a glorious accident. I was experimenting with an overlay of a reticulation glaze (AKA ‘crocodile skin’, AKA ‘cobblestone’). Thank you to the Ceramic Arts Network and Robin Hopper for the recipe.

I will send the winner a set of four cups. The one pictured will be included, and the others will be at least as interesting. 

Item Three: Early Coccolithophore Sculpture

I’m currently engaged in a project sculpting marine plankton- in part as a commentary on oceanic acidification. Coccolithophores are one category of plankton- they assemble their housings from repeated calcium-based shapes… really architectural and lovely. See some recent examples of these sculptures here and here. The one that I’m giving away here was an early effort. I’ve refined the shape since, and I don’t plan to use this specific example in a gallery… but the raku glaze effect was pretty vibrant on this one.

Item Four: Grayling Vortex

Grayling are Arctic fish- totally gorgeous with a giant fin like a stained glass window. This print was created using silkscreen. I like overlapping multiple iterations of the design, looking for emergent forms and patterns. 10 by 10 inch print.

Good luck, and I look forward to seeing some vigorous action on-site!


David Roon

David Roon

An artist working at the interface of visual art and Conservation Biology, and a professor at the University of Idaho (Natural Resources and Society).

Mixed media and printmaking, with a strong grounding in ceramics. Exploring the interface between humans and the global biosphere (particularly coastal and marine ecosystems). Installation, sculpture, and ginormous functional pots.

All Posts by Month


  1. Dina Natale

    Your work is just amazing and always interested in what you post.

    • David Roon

      Thank you Dina. I’m sorry about not responding earlier… just corrected a site issue (part of the whole re-launch). Super kind of you!

      • Lynn

        Lovely work! The print is amazing! Congrats on your new website!!!

        • David Roon

          Thank you so much Lynn!

  2. Steve Chan

    Beautiful work – I can’t wait to see more of your pieces.

    • David Roon

      Thank you Steve! I’m currently wrapping up fall work at my ‘other’ vocation (University teaching)… which has been keeping me out of the studio… but I plan to hammer out a ton of work in the spring.

  3. Amanda

    I love the diversity, curiosity, of your work, but especially the love of nature.

  4. Amanda

    I love the diversity, curiosity, of your work, but especially the love of nature.

    • David Roon

      Thank you Amanda. It’s been interesting trying to balance life as a working scientist with life as an artist… but there’s no lack of inspiration for sure!

  5. Tracy Clingings

    I love all of your artwork! The fish are special to me though. They’re gorgeous!!!

    • David Roon

      Thank you Tracy! Fish are sort of my default… if I’ve created something and don’t have a specific plan for adding a design, my hand just naturally creates fish designs. A friend once told me that she thought I’d been a fish in a former life…


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